Making quick work of slow play (from the inside and out)

Making quick work of slow play (from the inside and out)

Slow play has become a major issue in the golfing industry, and it represents a significant threat to the long-term health of the game.  With five-hour rounds becoming the norm, golfers are abandoning the game in droves, and new players are hesitant to start out. This month, we present a complete “Inside and Out” strategy […]

Study confirms rangefinders speed up golf

Study confirms rangefinders speed up golf

A recent study has found that laser rangefinders can shave up to 30 minutes off a round of golf for mid- to high-index players. The study, conducted by California-based National University Golf Academy and Bushnell Golf, measured the speed of play of students with handicaps ranging from six to 18. Tested over two days at […]

This year, WE resolve to…

This year, WE resolve to…

For many people around the world, New Year’s Resolutions are usually broken within days (if not minutes) of them being made. This is usually due to the fact that we either set too difficult a goal to achieve, or we don’t really commit to it in the first place. However, this year will be different. […]