ARE your golf cart batteries getting old and slowing down or would you simply like to increase their life by up to three times?
There are no moving parts in a battery. The main reason a battery fails is the natural process called sulphation. This is the build up of sulphur crystals on the lead plates inside the battery. This results in two things happening to the battery.
Firstly the battery or batteries suffer reduced voltage caused by the sulphur crystals, in effect, suffocating the batteries and preventing them from achieving the correct voltage and secondly it weakens the sulphuric acid.
Both of these result in the reduced performance of the golf cart and eventual replacement of the batteries.
The Battery Reviver rectifies both of the above problems.
Patented in the USA, the device sends a square wave transmission though the batteries dissolving the sulphur crystals that have been suffocating the batteries and in turn restoring the sulphuric acid back to its original strength.
The Battery Reviver is compact and easy to fit. It is powered by the batteries and is designed to be left connected permanently.
Once it has cleaned the sulphur from the plates it will prevent them from sulphating up in the future.
The Battery Reviver can also be fitted to new batteries to prevent them from sulphating, extending their life by up to three times.
Here is just one of the many testimonials on their website:
“I just thought I would let you know that I received the Battery Reviver and installed it on my EMC golf cart last Sunday then went and played 18 holes. Normally, when I finish a round of 18 holes, the top bar of the battery indicator is not lit up, and occasionally a second. However, on Sunday even the top bar was still lit. I wasn’t expecting such an immediate improvement but it certainly appears to be working for me so will certainly be telling my mates about it.”
The Battery Reviver is available for just $298 plus postage and handling.
For more information or to order go to or call 1300 852433.