BUNKER-TO-BUNKER…. Inside Golf writers have their say!
By Michael Court
SORRY to tell all you anti-vaxxers out there – but I really don’t want to see you at my golf club in the near future.
If I was prepared to gamble and take any side effects from being double-vaccinated, then I’m certainly not prepared to gamble coming into contact with people possibly carrying this
dreaded virus to my golf course. A virus which, I’m told, has a fair shot at actually killing me.
Thanks to the strict rules from our State Government [NSW] for the past 3-4 months, I have been prevented from playing golf at my home club.
So, despite fees that suggest I’m paying about $70 a week to play golf at a private club, I have not been allowed to venture there, let alone play, for four months.
I am now double vaxed, I’ve broken a lamp or two in my lounge room getting my swing arc on plane, and heck, I’ve even got a new pair of golf shoes from Father’s Day that I haven’t even taken out of the box yet.
And now you’re suggesting that people who don’t want to be vaccinated should be allowed to play alongside me? Forget it.
At least one ‘senior’ player, that I know of, has told his club he refuses to play with any golfers who are not fully vaccinated … and he doesn’t wish to be exposed to anyone who is not vaccinated.
I say that’s fair enough. No jab, no play. I’m ready to play.
By David Newbery
THIS is a tough one and it would be easy for one to sit on the fence. But in my opinion I don’t believe golfers should be turned away because they are unvaccinated.
Right now, golf clubs are enjoying record membership numbers and social play is at an all-time high, but will it last?
Golf in Australia boomed in the 1980s and ’90s when Greg Norman was world #1, but at the turn of the century membership started to decline. That could happen again when the country returns to normal.
It’s been predicted at least 10 per cent of the population won’t get the jab. If that’s the case, it could mean golf clubs could potentially lose 10 per cent of their membership and social players?
For a club with 1000 members it would mean surrendering 100 members. That’s a fair chunk of money pruned off the bottom line.
So no, don’t prohibit players from enjoying a round of golf. The experts tell us the coronavirus spreads indoors – not outdoors.
Currently, at least 30 per cent of people are unvaxxed and in most sensible states golfers, vaxxed and unvaxxed, have been allowed to play.
Clubs could always restrict unvaxxed players from entering the pro shop and clubhouse.
Medical experts keep telling us vaxxed people are protected so if an unvaccinated golfer turns up on the first tee there is no risk – right?
Still, I feel I might be the odd one out here.
By Michael Davis
YES. It is a given that vaccinations is the way out of the pandemic.
I applaud golf clubs, public courses and other golf facilities who have so far had the courage
to insist on a “no jab, no play policy”. The
move is decisive and shows great community leadership.
In Victoria, we are aware more than other states what it feels like to be deprived of the game we know and love. We all missed it greatly when we could not get out there.
Victorian golfers became terribly frustrated when they were banned from the fairways by Dan Andrews – the only golfers in the country who suffered such a fate.
Whether the government decision was fair on Victorian golfers is a moot point.
Now that we are allowed to play again, let’s not blow it. Get vaccinated, get out there and be thankful that we can play golf again.
Further, if the “no jab, no play” edict results in saving one extra golfer from being hospitalised, or worse still dying, then it has done its job.
The policy may also get a few of the so-called “vaccine hesitant” over the line. Incredibly, in my view, there are still quite a few of them out there and no doubt some among the ranks of golfers.
If they are your mates, do them a good turn and coax them into having a jab. You’ll be doing yourself and them a favour as well as your bit for the country.
By Larry Canning
I THINK the only time I’ve been caught sitting on the fence was when I was a 16-year-old kid who’d been dared to do the nudie run past the girl guides hall. It was dark, okay?
When it was obvious I’d been spotted, I had no choice but to jump the nearest fence and get the hell out of there. After I landed it became obvious that part of my anatomy was stuck on “said” fence.
At the time it hurt like a bitch, but I’ve been grateful ever since. My current role in the pro shop at Mt Broughton means I have to ask for proof of double vaccination before I can make up a fourball and send them on their way.
I might have an opinion on vaxxes, but while I’m behind the counter regularly being lectured by non-vaxxers, my response needs to be polite and impartial.
In reality I don’t give a flying frisbee about your stance on the subject. I do care a lot about Mt Broughton Golf Club and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it open and fine free.
If you play my golf course and feel the need to lecture me or our staff, maybe its best you go straight to the practice range with a bucket of balls and scream your opinions at each errant nut. We all know that’s always a receptive ear.
Bunker-to-Bunker says: Listen to the medical experts.
What do you think? If you have an opinion on this topic write a short letter to the editor.
Email: david@insidegolf.com.au