WHAT is happening at your golf club? Inside Golf and readers of the magazine would love to know.
As Australia’s most-read golfing publication, Inside Golf is always on the lookout for interesting news items that will help promote the game of golf to a wider audience.
If you would like to see your golf club mentioned in the magazine, feel free to contact us. The good news is it won’t cost anything if it appears in our Club News section.
Ideas: You may have a new staff member or club professional you want to tell readers about. Then again your club may have a redesigned golf hole, made improvements to the golf course or clubhouse.
Other news items of interest could be: Unusual incidents, extraordinary feats or scores; aces and albatrosses; age breakers; a club member who is an extraordinary volunteer or a team of dedicated volunteers; junior and women’s news; upcoming events and functions (we need at least a month’s notice on this); grants received and where it will be spent; pro-ams and even funny incidents; committee changes, etc. Don’t forget to send us a photo as well.
They say no news is good news, but for golf clubs that don’t promote their own golf club is, well, bad news.
Who knows, your club may attract new members and more golfers will want to turn up for a social round?
Send your news to david@insidegolf.com.au and he’ll do the rest.