By Michael Davis

BERWICK-MONTUNA Golf Club and Driving Range general manager Sean Constable echoed the sentiments of many Victorian clubs lashed by wind in freak storms which hit the state.

“I would hate to be in a cyclone, that’s for sure,” he said.

“If that had been a Thursday afternoon, when everyone was out there, we would have been in a bit of trouble. I would have called everybody in, that’s for sure.”

Fortunately, the worst of the cyclonic winds hit early on a Friday morning.

Then, as if to add insult to injury, a few days later Mother Nature sent previously unseen deluges Victoria’s way.

At Berwick-Montuna, they had to close the back nine holes when the Cardinia Creek, which runs through the course, overflowed.

Some of the damage caused by a freak storm at Berwick-Montuna Golf Club.

“It was a couple of weather events we could have done without, that’s for sure,” Sean said

“When the wind hit, six or seven big gum trees came down and some wedged in trees beside them. 

“The superintendent and ground staff did a great job with the chainsaws and we were back out there on Sunday. But the tricky ones we had to leave to an arborist.

“The members were great too. We were able to get back out there and apart from a bit of debris lying around, the course was great.

“Of course the rain a few days later didn’t help.” 

The bridge between the 17th and 10th was underwater and the back nine could not be accessed. 

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