In this show Gary Barter joins Larry as co-host and shares his experience watching his pupil, Matt Jones shoot 32 under, only to run third in Hawaii!. Hanna Green made history and who better than her coach Ritchie Smith to explain how. Larry trials the new Cleveland Launcher XL Driver and gains 20 metres …(Yes 20 metres) of length. Larry’s mate, Golf Professional and Club Fitting technician Kon Fondas validates Larry’s experience and agrees he is ready to re-join the tour. Gary offers up a tip on how hard not to hold the club and the boys have a spit about the Stadium hole in Phoenix.
All this and more on this episode of Backspin!

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Australia's Golf News Leader, Inside Golf gives you in-depth coverage of Australian golf news, golf events, golf travel and holiday destinations, Australian and international golf course reviews, the hottest new golf gear and tips and drills to improve your golf game. Written by award-winning journalists, Inside Golf also features interviews with Australia's top professional golfers, the game's rising stars, industry leaders and golf equipment manufacturers. You can even win great golf prizes and equipment. It’s all in Inside Golf. FREE at Australian golf courses, driving ranges and golf retailers across Australia.


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